Diritti Umani

Europe Bell Towers Ringing for Human Rights”

Every year on December 10 the “International Day of Human Rights “is celebrated. This event commissioned by the United Nations aims at commemorating the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, which took place in Paris in 1948. A document of only 30 articles that however, as affirmed by Ms. Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – is the document that “has had the most significant impact on mankind compared to any other document in modern history “.


Europe Bell Towers Ringing for Human Rights” will start coming December 10th and for the first time it will involve not only Italian bell ringers but also many others from many EU countries.
At 8:00 p.m. of December 10th the bell of the small town of Arrone will give the start to the “voice” of the bells of many other communities in Italy and in Europe who through their sound will express and mark their commitment to the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the struggle against discrimination.


La Maria Dolens è la campana dei caduti di Rovereto, fusa in ricordo dei caduti di tutte le nazioni che presero parte alla prima guerra mondiale. E’ la campana più grande d’Italia, è alta 3,36m, ha un diametro di 3,21m e pesa 226,39q.

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